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Not Taking Things Personally

May 13, 2022


Do  find yourself taking things personally? Do you get your feelings hurt easily? Are you told you are too sensitive? Do you think you need thicker skin? Actually, the solution is very different.

In this week's vlog, I’m answering a question about how not to take things personally.  

Taking things personally means being offended or upset by what someone says or does because you think that their remarks or behavior are directed at you in particular. The term is often used when someone takes something personal when it wasn't directed at them.

However, there is even more freedom available when we don't take anything personally even if it is directed at us.

Don Miguel Ruiz's book The Four Agreements, the second agreement is "Don't Take Anything Personally."

Here is a quote from his book: 

Even when a situation seems so personal, even if others insult you directly; it has nothing to do with you. What they say, what they do, and the opinions they give are according to the agreements they have in their own minds. Their point of view comes from all the programming they received during domestication.

Watch the vlog to hear more about how to take care of yourself when you do take something personally and how to become more antifragile in the process.  This doesn't happen by getting a thicker skin.

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If you would like to listen to the Rewilding Love Podcast, it comes out in serial format. Start with Episode 1 for context. Click here to listen. And, if you would like to dive deeper into the understanding I share along with additional support please check out the Rewilding Community.

Angus & Rohini Ross are “The Rewilders.” Listen to their podcast Rewilding Love. They believe too many good relationships fall apart because couples give up thinking their relationship problems can’t be solved. Many couples don’t know how to navigate low moods, conflict, and emotional reactivity. In this season of the Rewilding Love Podcast, Rohini and Angus help a couple on the brink of divorce due to conflict. Angus and Rohini love working with couples and helping them to reduce conflict and discord in their relationships by pointing them to their innate wisdom and wellbeing. They work with couples who are struggling and couples who would like to deepen the love and intimacy they already have. They co-facilitate a private couples' intensives retreat program that rewilds relationships back to their natural state of love.

Rohini is the author of the ebook Marriage, and they are co-founders of The 29-Day Rewilding Experience and The Rewilding Community. You can also follow Angus and Rohini Ross on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. To learn more about their work visit: Check out Rohini's latest blog post.