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Prayers for Ukraine

February 28, 2022

Angus and I have been watching the news in dismay as we learn more each day about the  Russian invasion of Ukraine and the horrors unfolding. It is incredibly inspiring to witness the courage and bravery displayed by Ukrainians as they meet the Russian invasion with a strength of resistance that was unexpected. 

As I write this it seems miraculous that Russian forces have not yet been able to capture any of Ukraine’s major cities.  This slowing of the Russian progression continues to give western leaders time to implement increasing sanctions against Russia as they try and quell this unprovoked attack. And citizens around the world are standing with Ukraine holding rallies showing their support and protesting the war.

There is no justification for this unprovoked invasion of a sovereign nation that is courageously choosing democracy. There is no excuse for the tragic loss of innocent people. There is no understanding of why there can’t be a peaceful solution. 

But this attack on Ukraine is not just about one country. It is reflective of the global decline in democracy. Michael Abramowitz, the president of Freedom House told New York Times reporter Tyler Hicks the invasion of Ukraine is “a taste of what a world without checks on antidemocratic behavior would look like. Abramowitz remains hopeful that democracies will rally to impose serious penalties on Russia, signaling that they will not tolerate Putin’s behavior. But, he warned, “if they don’t, this is going to set the world back in a major way — not just for democracy, but for the rule of law.” 

Today Putin put Russian nuclear forces on high alert and it is unknown when this madness will stop and what will support the de-escalation.

As an individual with no geopolitical power living with the unthinkable specter of a thermonuclear war threat, prayer seems the most logical and needed option. Larry Dossey who wrote Healing Words: The Power of Prayer has researched prayer and distance healing for much of his career as a doctor. He concludes that prayer, caring, or deep love have measurable, powerful, and profound effects on how we heal. This is based on research indicating that consciousness is nonlocal. It is not found in the brain. Instead, we are all part of oneness consciousness. There is unity between everyone and everything. The mind is infinite and all minds are connected. 

That is the direction I choose to look and invite you to join me. Rather than focusing on the divisiveness of judgment and the duality of good and evil, I am looking in the direction of oneness within and holding for the greatest healing available at this time for everyone concerned.

It is the perfect time for each of us to experience the peace that is in our hearts more deeply as we stand with the Ukrainians. Let the power of prayer not just be for the healing of our bodies, but also for the increase in our understanding of our true nature so we act with the courage that is required to create a world that reflects the truth of the love that is who we are. 

If you would like to listen to the Rewilding Love Podcast, it comes out in serial format. Start with Episode 1 for context. Click here to listen. And, if you would like to dive deeper into the understanding I share along with additional support please check out the Rewilding Community.

Rohini Ross is co-founder of “The Rewilders.” Listen to her podcast, with her partner Angus Ross, Rewilding Love. They believe too many good relationships fall apart because couples give up thinking their relationship problems can’t be solved. In the first season of the Rewilding Love Podcast, Rohini and Angus help a couple on the brink of divorce due to conflict. Angus and Rohini also co-facilitate  private couple's intensive retreat programs that rewild relationships back to their natural state of love. Rohini is also the author of the ebook Marriage, and she and Angus are co-founders of The 29-Day Rewilding Experience and The Rewilding Community. You can follow Rohini on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. To learn more about her work and subscribe to her blog visit: