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Safety Lies Within


June 18, 2022

There were times in our early years,

When we felt unsafe.

And we did our best to cope.


These ways of coping.

Were our wisdom in the moment.


But the coping can become habitual.

And the habit has a downside.

It is not responsive, but reactive.


A deeper experience of safety is available now.


Feel the feelings.

Allow the energy to move through you.

Surrender to what is.


And fall into the experience of peace and well-being.

So you can know the space of safety that lies within.

If you would like to listen to the Rewilding Love Podcast, it comes out in serial format. Start with Episode 1 for context. Click here to listen. And, if you would like to dive deeper into the understanding I share along with additional support please check out the Rewilders Community.

Rohini Ross is co-founder of “The Rewilders.” Listen to her podcast, with her partner Angus Ross, Rewilding Love. They believe too many good relationships fall apart because couples give up thinking their relationship problems can’t be solved. In the first season of the Rewilding Love Podcast, Rohini and Angus help a couple on the brink of divorce due to conflict. Angus and Rohini also co-facilitate  private couple's intensive retreat programs that rewild relationships back to their natural state of love. Rohini is also the author of the ebook Marriage, and she and Angus are co-founders of The 29-Day Rewilding Experience and The Rewilders Community. You can follow Rohini on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. To learn more about her work and subscribe to her blog visit: