This is a powerful and peaceful conversation with Chip and Jan Chipman, who have been teaching this understanding for over 40 years worldwide. We zero in on a couple of themes that emerge naturally throughout the episode: when we're seeking spiritual enlightenment, it actually takes us in the opposite direction and how presence is the key ingredient for having an enjoyable, healthy relationship.
Jan and Chip each moved us when describing their initial life-changing insights. In one fell swoop, Jan was able to see her innate beauty, and later Chip saw how surrendering to the peace of the present moment could sustain his wellbeing for the rest of his life. These insights transformed every facet of both of their lives, including of course their relationship to each other.
The four of us explore how being in pure presence with our partner is spiritual in essence and allows us to see the divine in each other. Listening deeply to others allows for their spiritual essence to be reflected back to us. All we have to do to be present is surrender to presence itself, which is always accessible but for our thinking that temporarily fogs over it.
This episode explores:
- Genius is the ability to see new thought
- Happiness is a state of mind
- Being present with our partners is spiritual
- We all inhabit the universal intelligence behind life
- Loving and listening from presence dissolves judgment
Show Notes
"Just Dropped In (To See What Condition My Condition Was In)": Song by Kenny Rogers and The First Edition, also one of Chip's metaphors for the self-created nature of mood.
Salt Spring Island: A gulf island between British Columbia, Canada, and Vancouver Island. It was home to Sydney Banks and is now home to the Three Principles Foundation and School.
Chip and Jan were mentored by Sydney Banks from 1975 to 2009 and conducted retreats with him in Europe and North America for many years. Over the years, Chip and Jan have created extensive programs in corporate, non-profit, educational, community, and correctional settings. They currently share their understanding through speaking engagements, retreats, webinars worldwide, as well as individual, group, and couples coaching. Chip is President of the Three Principles Foundation, and in 2008, co-founded the Three Principles School on Salt Spring Island, dedicated to sharing the simplicity and purity of the Three Principles.
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Listener shout out!

Thank you, danipimenta77! We're so glad you're listening.
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