Azul Leguizamon, valued member of The Rewilders team and life coach, graciously shares with us about her life, including traumatic experiences she went through in her own home while growing up. Her message for anyone who has dealt with trauma in their life is that it is possible to not suffer with it forever.
Azul's story is so inspiring. She shares with us about the different levels of insight she has had about her mom throughout her life, and how what she has come to see most recently has been the most liberating. Although her mother's behavior has not been acceptable, Azul can see that her mom is suffering and caught up in her own thinking, allowing Azul to no longer make personal meaning out of her mother's behavior. While she still sets healthy boundaries to keep herself safe, not taking things personally has changed everything in her life.
Azul shares about how now with less on her mind, less meaning-making happening in the background, she can show up to her relationships and work with a lightness that has been transformative. She likens this experience to having a loud rock band playing in her head (her thinking) which keeps her from hearing the soothing flute in the background (her wisdom) that is always playing. She is hearing the flute much more often now and feels she is living a brand new life.
This episode explores:
- Looking in a new direction for healing trauma
- How to see something new by experiencing life instead of intellectualizing it
- We are all enough and innately worthy of love
- Freeing ourselves up from thinking so we can love
- The freedom in seeing others' psychological innocence and not taking behaviors personally
- The mind naturally untangles itself
Show Notes
The Jerk: A Steve Martin movie from the late '70s with a problematic plot, but it provided Angus with a helpful metaphor about finding one's rhythm.
Azul Leguizamon is a life coach, rewilding guide, literary translator, project manager, school teacher, mother, and wife. Azul has been exploring the three principles since 2019 and took a deep dive into them through the Rewilding Guide Training program. She has a previous background as a Reiki Master, Evolutive Tarot teacher, Registered Bach Flower Practitioner, Laughter Yoga Teacher, and Laughter Therapy practitioner. Azul's life experience and training led her to realize that there must be a simpler answer than using all these techniques. When she discovered this understanding she found herself at home and the insights she has had have been life-changing.
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Listener shout out!

Thank you, mariawagnerschupfer! We're so glad you enjoy listening!
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Rohini is the author of the ebook Marriage, and they are co-founders of The 29-Day Rewilding Experience and The Rewilding Community. You can also follow Angus and Rohini Ross on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. To learn more about their work visit: Check out Rohini's latest blog.